past executive boards
Dedicated APSA Executive Board Officers from over the years.
2023-2024: BoujeEboard
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2022-2023: RoyaltEboard
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2021-2022: LuckEboard
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2020-2021: PeachEboard
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2019-2020: sleepEboard
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2018-2019: spicEboard
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*Not pictured: Timm Ryan Johnson (Community Advisor), Vincent Luu (Community Advisor)
2017-2018: Milk TEa-Board
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*Not pictured: Ariele Grande (Student Advisor), Vanessa Chen (Academic Assistant)
2016-2017: BelievE-Board
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Row 1 (back): Jasmine Cheng (Sports Director), Jordan Wong (Webmaster), Brandon Fong (Cultural Assistant), Andrew DeLeon (Political Coordinator), Dang Chau (Executive Secretary), Ben Cook (Historian), Jack Chen (Vice President of External Affairs), Anthony Aspili (Academic Coordinator), Tammy Pham (Director of Finance), Vivian Truong (Activities Assistant)
Row 2 (front): Brie Hornig (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Lianne Hong (Academic Assistant), Kat Hidalgo (Activities Coordinator), Katie Chantakhoun (President), Nathan Lieng (Executive Vice President), Bryan Phan (Membership Secretary), Savannah Tran (Finance Assistant)
*Not pictured: Kevin Raquidan (Community Advisor), Tiffany Khieu (Community Advisor), Nash Salas (Community Advisor)
*Not pictured: Danny Huang (Student Advisor), Octaviano Ramirez (Student Advisor), Devyn Brown (Community Advisor)
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Row 1 (back): Zach Ip (Membership Secretary), Jaymes Wenceslao (Activities Coordinator), Xavier Gervacio (AAPIC Representative), Johnny Wang (Director of Finance), Kyle Ota (Sports Director), Kenny Nguyen (Historian)
Row 2 (middle): Ivy Nguyen (Finance Assistant), Krystel Alcantara (Webmaster), Ariele Grande (Activities Assistant), Kristel Ruelos (Executive Secretary), Arnelle Sambile (Academic Coordinator), Rachel Halpert (Academic Assistant), Nicole Shimotake (Cultural Coordinator)
Row 3 (front): Cindy Du (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Chantal Vu (Executive Vice President), Octaviano Ramirez (President), Ashley Rhee (Vice President of External Affairs)
*Not pictured: Andre Nguyen (Advisor), Michelle Ong (Advisor)
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Row 1 (back): Tony Kyaw (Membership Secretary), Wayne Wu (Activities Coordinator), Ashley Rhee (Cultural Coordinator), Earth Pakasri (Sports Director), Octaviano Ramirez (Executive Secretary)
Row 2 (front): Tiffany Khieu (Academic Coordinator), Cindy Du (Historian), Audrey Malbog (Executive Assistant), Katie Guerrero (Finance Assistant), Sean Ha (Vice President of External Affairs), Delena Truong (Executive Vice President), Danny Huang (President), Welney Huang (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Kristel Ruelos (Academic Assistant), Dorian Cao (Webmaster), Gwen Wong (Director of Finance), Chantal Vu (Activities Assistant)
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Row 1 (back): Matthew Caro (Academic Coordinator), Katie Fields (Activities Coordinator), Anna Favis (Academic Assistant), Pazsie Yang (Executive Secretary), Welney Huang (Cultural Coordinator), Delena Truong (AS Representative), Kayla Pega (Historian), Sean Ha (Sports Director), Jason Tatoy (Membership Secretary)
Row 2 (front): Richie Padrena (Webmaster), Danny Huang (Director of Finance), Michelle Ong (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Sophia Huynh (Executive Vice President), Andre Nguyen (President), Tyler Sasaki (Vice President of External Affairs), Jennie Wong (Finance Assistant), Katie Yee (Activities Assistant)
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Row 1 (back): Devyn Brown (Activities Coordinator), Rodney Halacon (Activities Assistant Fall), Thon Saetern (Webmaster), Vincent Luu (President), Andrew Won (Executive Secretary), Andre Nguyen (Sports Director), Ryan Shyng (Historian), Jeremy Arceo (Executive Vice President)
Row 2 (front): Vanessa Kor (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Vanna Sumontha (Vice President of External Affairs), Sophia Huynh (Academic Coordinator), Brittany Broas (Academic Assistant), Rochelle Esguerra (Director of Finance), Avery Binuya (Membership Secretary), Michelle Ong (AS Representative), Pazsie Yang (Cultural Coordinator)
*Not pictured: Katie Fields (Finance Assistant), Tyler Sasaki (Activities Assistant Spring)
Bylaw Order -
Ricky Nguyen (President), Nathan Huey (Executive Vice President), Anza Delerea (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Peter Zheng (Vice President of External Affairs), Lucas Giroux (Executive Secretary), Jeremy Arceo (Membership Secretary), Nina Le (Director of Finance), Vincent Luu (Academic Coordinator), Thi Minh Nguyen (Academic Assistant), Kevin Nguyen (Activities Coordinator), Vanna Sumontha (Activities Assistant), Reginald Paragas (Cultural Coordinator), Vanessa Kor (AS Representative), Kelvin Prom (Sports Director), Miles Vallejos (Historian), Jonathan Edralin (Webmaster)
Bylaw Order -
Kristin Hashimoto (President), Vannessatee Malong (Executive Vice President), Ricky Nguyen (Vice President of Internal Affairs), Alyssa Hutzly (Vice President of External Affairs), Kimber Suzuki (Executive Secretary), Shirley Giang (Membership Secretary), Sophia Yuen (Director of Finance), Devyn Brown (Academic Coordinator), Vanda Smittant (Activities Coordinator), Anza Delerea (Cultural Coordinator), Nathan Huey (AS Representative), Peter Zheng (Sports Director), Kevin Nguyen (Historian), Cynthia Chinn (Webmaster)
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Row 1 (back): Pamela Huynh (Finance Assistant), Michele Alviar (Membership Secretary), Keane Aranita (Executive Vice President), Reiner Gubio (Sports Director), Jerel Malong (President), Carlo Munar (Cultural Coordinator)
Row 2 (front): Kristin Hashimoto (Academic Coordinator), Sophia Yuen (Director of Finance), Cheryl Tiquia (Executive Secretary), Loan Nguyen (AS Representative), Karins Nguyen (Academic Assistant), Vanessatee Malong (Activities Coordinator), Mylene Erpelo (Webmaster), Nicole Franklin (Vice President of External Affairs), Ricky Nguyen (Activities Assistant), Kevin Tran (Historian) Vincent Angeles (Vice President of Internal Affairs)