
Josephine Chu

Vice President of Internal Affairs


Year - 2nd

Major - Biology

Hometown - San Jose (Shoutout to my Bay Area kids)

Obsessions - My internal branch, small plants, and dogs of all kinds!

Talents - I can wake up, get ready, and run to my morning class in 5 minutes (aka I am a very late person and a fast runner, Matt and Megan can attest to this)

Pet Peeves - Slow things (walkers, drivers, minds) lmao just kidding!

Ethnicity - Chinese, specifically Cantonese & Chowjo but I can speak neither unfortunately

Life Quote - "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"

Favorite Boba Flavor - Green tea, this is actually my favorite flavor for everything

Favorite APSA Memory - Ice Skating fundraiser & meeting my mentor Lianne at Mentor/Mentee night!

Favorite video game? Skyrim!