

APSA's student and faculty advisors serve to guide APSA at SDSU. Each student or faculty advisor oversees the implementation of our bylaws and takes action that best promotes our aims and identities.


faculty advisors

Oversees APSA and advise the leadership as needed. Provides resources to help guide you in the right direction.

Faculty Advisor
Nellie Tran, Ph.D
Along with your other advisor, Jessica Chang, we oversee APSA and advise the leadership as needed. Mostly, we support you all as best as we can to achieve the greatness you hold within you. Outside of APSA, I'm a professor of Counseling & School Psychology for the CBB program and Executive Director of the SDSU Center for Community Counseling & Engagement in City Heights.
Faculty Advisor
Jessica Chang
Past APSA Positions:
2022-2023, Staff Co-Advisor for APSA

Hi APSA! I'm one of your advisors. My role at SDSU focuses on with diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings, workshop development, Community Center collaborations, and internship programs. From career development to talking about your identities to just figuring out campus resources to just grabbing coffee & hanging out, I am here for you as a resource!


Student Advisors

Provides outside opinions. Shares lessons they learned from their own experiences, and give overall encouragement to board. Supports the executive board in any way they need.

Student Advisor
Barry Lomibao Jr.
Past APSA Positions:
Academic Co-Coordinator 2020-2021
APSA Music Head Spring 2022
Vice President of External Affairs 2022-2023
Student Advisor
Iraisa Van Vlasselaer
Past APSA Positions:
Academic Co-Coordinator 2022-2023