Two-time Fam Trophy winner YaChT? Looking back on a feud with venDeTTa? Heard about Super Majestic Platypus?
Explore APSA's fam history below!

2024-2025 families

Fall 2024 Fambam Standings:

1. CANine 🐺
2. CaLiCo 🐈 / 3. CosMiC 🪐 / 4. breaDSticK 🥖

Fall 2024 Final Standings:

1. CANine 🐺
2. breaDSticK 🥖 / 3. CaLiCo 🐈 / 4. CosMiC 🪐

2023-2024 families


Spring Fambam Standings:

1. bAmBoozLed 🤯
2. ARctiC 🧊 / 3. thunDeRBolt ⚡ / 4. SHaDow 🫡 / 5. DiTTo 👈

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. ARctiC 🧊
2. thunDeRBolt ⚡ / 3. bAmBoozLed 🤯 / 4. SHaDow 🫡 / 5. DiTTo 👈

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. thunDeRBolt ⚡

2. DiTTo 👈 ⚜️ 3. ARctiC 🧊 4. SHaDow 🫡 / 5. bAmBoozLed 🤯

2022-2023 families

Spring Final Rankings
#1 CroiSsAnt 🥐
#2 CanDeE 🍬
#3 VELvet ⚜️
#4 DucKlinG 🐥
#5 CLouDy ☁️
Activities: drEAmy (Erica & Anne)

Spring Fambam Standings:

1. CanDeE 🍬

2. VELvet ⚜️ / 3. CroiSsAnt 🥐 / 4. CLouDy ☁️ / 5. DucKlinG 🐥

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. VELvet ⚜️

2. CanDeE 🍬 / 3. DucKlinG 🐥 / 4. CroiSsAnt 🥐 / 5. CLouDy ☁️

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. CroiSsAnt 🥐

2. VELvet ⚜️ , CLouDy ☁️ / 4. DucKlinG 🐥 / 5. CanDeE 🍬

2021-2022 Families

Spring Final Rankings
#1 EteRnal ⏳ (Elias, Rex)
#2 haMMer 🔨 (Mandy, Miya)
#3 LMaoshake 😂 (Lynn, Marianne)
Activities: VerSace 💸 (Jalea, Giselle)

Spring Fambam Standings:

1. EteRnal ⏳

2. haMMer 🔨 / 3. LMaoshake 😂

Spring Coin Wars Standings:

1. EteRnal ⏳

2. haMMer 🔨 / 3. LMaoshake 😂

Fall Final Rankings
#1 haMMer 🔨
#2 EteRnal ⏳
#3 LMaoshake 😂

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. EteRnal ⏳

2. LMaoshake 😂 / 3. haMMer 🔨

2020-2021 Families

Spring Final Rankings
#1 MilKeD 🥛 🏆(Mirei, Kaelan, Deanna)
#2 NuMBer 🔢 (Lynn, Xavier, Cara)
#3 LiGhT 💡 (Barry, Jeffrey, Dalton)
#4 stArFisH ⭐️ (Mandy, John, Christine)
#5 PRomiSe 🔐 (April Joy, Erwin)
Activities: dInosAur 🦕 (Iohanne, Amanda)

Spring Fambam Standings:

1. MilKeD 🥛

2. LiGhT 💡 / 3. NuMBer 🔢 / 4. stArFisH ⭐️ / 5. PRomiSe 🔐

Spring Coin Wars Standings:

1. MilKeD 🥛

2. LiGhT 💡 / 3. PRomiSe 🔐 , NuMBer 🔢, stArFisH ⭐️

Fall Final Rankings
#1 stArFisH ⭐️🏆
#2 MilKeD 🥛
#3 PRomiSe 🔐
#4 LiGhT 💡
#5 NuMBer 🔢

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. LiGhT 💡

2. MilKeD 🥛 / 3. PRomiSe 🔐 / 4. stArFisH ⭐️ / 5. NuMBer 🔢

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. stArFisH ⭐️

2. LiGhT 💡 , MilKeD 🥛 / 4. PRomiSe 🔐 / 5. NuMBer 🔢

2019-2020 Families

Spring Final Rankings
1. COBra🏆🏆 (Jose, Ian, Jordan)
2. brEaKfaSt (Kentaro, Sam, Edmond)
3. PeRfeCtion (Jeffrey, Erwin, Joyce)
4. GaLLaxy (Cia, Jacob)
Activities: MiraCle (Christine and Mirei)

Spring Fambam Standings:

1. GaLLaxy - #MadeToGoBeyond

2. COBra🏆🏆 / 3. PeRfeCtion / 4. brEaKfaSt

Spring Coin Wars Standings:

1. GaLLaxy - #MadeToGoBeyond

2. PeRfeCtion / 3. COBra🏆🏆 / 4. brEaKfaSt
Fall Final Rankings
1. COBra🏆 (Jose, Ian, Jordan)
2. PeRfeCtion (Jeffrey, Erwin, Joyce)
3. GaLLaxy (Cia, Jacob)
4. brEaKfaSt (Kentaro, Sam, Edmond)

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. COBra🏆 - #CobrasHereToWinAllDay

2. PeRfeCtion / 3. GaLLaxy / 4. brEaKfaSt

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. GaLLaxy - #MadeToGoBeyond

2. COBra🏆 / 3. PeRfeCtion / 4. brEaKfaSt

2018-2019 Families

#WeAlwaysWearTheCrown👑 #LetsGetLoud🎼 #ZIPPZAPPZOOP⚡️ #HighTidesAndGoodVibes🌊 #WeAreTheChamps🏆 #StayGoLden✨
Spring Final Rankings
1. VolTaJe🏆 (Vincent, Taylor, Jed)
2. cRescEnDo (Robert, Elly, Dylan)
3. TSunaMi (Winson [Tsai], Jason [Songvilay], Yukina [Masuda])
4. CHaMpion (Gabril [Castro], Michelle [Harrison], Maya [McHale])
5. maJeStiC (Juneau, Stephanie, Cara)
Activities: GoLden (Lauren and Gaby)

Spring Fambam Standings:

1. maJeStiC - #WeAlwaysWearTheCrown

2. cRescEnDo / 3. VolTaJe🏆 / 4. TSunaMi / 5. CHaMpion

Spring Coin Wars Standings:


2. CHaMpion / 3. TSunaMi / 4. cRescEnDo / 5. maJeStiC

Fall Final Rankings
1. CHaMpion🏆 (Gabril [Castro], Michelle [Harrison], Maya [McHale])
2. VolTaJe (Vincent, Taylor, Jed)
3. TSunaMi (Winson [Tsai], Jason [Songvilay], Yukina [Masuda])
4. cRescEnDo (Robert, Elly, Dylan)
5. maJeStiC (Juneau, Stephanie, Cara)
Activities: GoLden (Lauren and Gaby)

Fall Fambam Standings:

1. maJeStiC - #WeAlwaysWearTheCrown

2. TSunaMi / 3. CHaMpion🏆 / 4. VolTaJe / 5. cRescEnDo

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. CHaMpion🏆 - #WeAreTheChamps

2. VolTaJe / 3. TSunaMi / 4. cRescEnDo / 5. maJeStiC


2017-2018 Families

#YaChTyou🛥 #ItsBetterInTheDark🌙 #EruptingWithJoy🌋 #CLAP🥬 #WEEWOO🚨 #SpaM!!!🕶
Spring Final Rankings
1. YaChT🏆🏆 (Yukina, Charles, Tammy)
2. MiDnighT (Megan, Dang, Travis)
3. VoLKano (Laiko, Kosuke)
4. CabbAJe (Cynthia, Aaron, Jo)
5. eMerJenCy (Michelle, Justin, Catharina)
Activities: SpaM (Matthew and Seleka)

Congratulations YaChT🏆🏆 Fam for making APSA history by winning the Family Trophy two semesters in a row! #YaChTyou


Spring Fambam Standings:

1. MiDnighT - #ItsBetterInTheDark

2. VoLKano / 3. YaChT🏆🏆 / 4. CabbAJe / 5. eMerJenCy

Spring Family Challenge Standings:

1. YaChT🏆🏆 - #YaChTyou

2. CabbAJe / 3. MiDnighT / 4. VoLKano / 5. eMerJenCy

Spring Coin Wars Standings:

1. YaChT🏆🏆 - #YaChTyou

2. CabbAJe / 3. VoLKano / 4. MiDnighT / 5. eMerJenCy

Fall Final Rankings
1. YaChT🏆 (Yukina, Charles, Tammy)
2. eMerJenCy (Michelle, Justin, Catharina)
3. VoLKano (Vanessa, Laiko, Kosuke)
4. MiDnighT (Megan, Dang, Travis)
5. CabbAJe (Cynthia, Aaron, Jo)
Activities: SpaM (Matthew and Seleka)

Jason's note: VoLKano was robbed smh


Fall Fambam Standings:

1. VoLKano - #EruptingWithJoy

2. eMerJenCy / 3. CabbAJe / 4. YaChT🏆 / 5. MiDnighT

Fall Coin Wars Standings:

1. VoLKano - #EruptingWithJoy

2. YaChT🏆 / 3. MiDnighT / 4. eMerJenCy / 5. CabbAJe

2016-2017 Families

SaBotaJe🏆 (Savannah, Bryan, Jordan)
DeJA vu🏆 (Dang, Jasmine, Anthony)
JALapeno (Jack, Andrew, Lianne)
liGhTniNg (Tammy, Nathan)
FlasHbaCk (Brandon [Fong], Brie [Hornig], Ben [Cook])
Activities: aKtiVities (Kat and Vivian)

2015-2016 Families

sTRAtejic🏆 (Timothy, Rosie, Arlynn)
TitAN🏆 (Tim, Ariele, Nathan)
LeJeNdary (Linh, Jack, Nicole)
StAcKed (Steve, Arnelle, Katie)
JinKS (Johnny, Karen, Sally)
Activities: BreIezy (Brie and Izy)

2014-2015 Families

kiNeCtiX🏆 (Nicole, Cindy, Xavier)
mAJestiK🏆 (Arnelle, Johnny, Kristel)
shARK (Ashley, Rachel, Kyle)
KnoCKout (Krystel, Chantal, Kenny)
InfuZiOn (Ivy, Zach, Octaviano)
Activities: Jaymes and Ariele

2013-2014 Families

bEASt🏆 (Earth, Audrey, Sean)
venDeTTa🏆 (Delena, Tiffany, Tony)
WiCkeD (Welney, Cindy, Dorian)
KoDAk (Kathleen, Danny, Ashley)
KouraGeOus (Kristel, Gwen, Octaviano)
Activities: Wayne and Chantal

2012-2013 Families

STuD🏆 (Sean, Tyler, Delena)
KaRMa🏆 (Kayla, Richie, Michelle)
JamPackeD (Jennie, Pazsie, Danny)
FresHesT (Anna [Favis], Sophia [Huynh], Jason [Tatoy])
WAM (Welney, Andre, Matthew)
Activities: Katie and Katie

2011-2012 Families

VigoRous Pack (Vanna, Ryan, Pazsie)
SAVage (Sophia, Vanessa, Andrew)
Black And Jello (Brittany, Andre, Jeremy)
RATicals (Rochelle, Avery, Thon)
MaVericK (Michelle, Vincent, Katie)
Activities: Devyn and Tyler

2010-2011 Families

EclecTic Kids
Triple LOL Ninjas
Victorious AYE Kids
Activities: Kevin and Vanna

2009-2010 Families

Notorious K.I.D🏆
Vroom Vroom
Dark Knights
All-Star Avenue
A-list Pros
Cereal Killaz!
Activities: Vanda

2008-2009 Families

Vida Loca
Rice Krispy
Super Majestic Platypus
Numba 1 Stunnaz
Activities: Vanessatee and Ricky

Classic Families



Krispy Kreme
American Eagles
Team Meat
Apples n Bananas