Sarah Aceves


Pronouns: she / her

Year at SDSU: 2nd

Major: International Business

Hometown: Bay Area

Zodiac: Aries

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Mexican-Chinese

Favorite APSA Memory: FAMBAM

Describe Yourself in a Hashtag: #introverted, #overthinker

Go-To Drink Order: Any fruit tea, usually mango, peach or lemon

Favorite Food: Fliet Mignon

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: Music, Dance, Dramas

Obsessions: Watching asian dramas

All Time Favorite Piece of Cinema: Our Times - Taiwan

Song You Can Listen to on Repeat: Popcorn - D.O

If You're Not Working, How Do You Like to Spend Your Time?: Watching dramas

If Money Was Not a Factor, How Would You Live Your Life?: Always on my feet to travel and explore the world. Do a lot of research of places I could've went to for college and potentially live in